Tips and Tricks
Slow Internet?
Reset Internet Connection
Shut down computer.
Pull power plug out of router. This is the box from your internet provider.
Wait 1 minute - plug power cord back into router.
Wait for lights to stabilize.
Restart computer and try email and web browser for better internet connection.
This will take care of most connection problems.
3x Backup Plan
Depending on the type of computer and data to backup, I suggest three complete backups:
‣ One is on your computer.
‣ Second is on an external hard drive using the Time Machine application.
‣ Third is in the cloud or physically offsite at a different location. I like Apple's iCloud Drive. You can add or subtract iCloud space at anytime.
Email Problems
‣ Wait an hour or so and see if it works again. Internet service (Bandwidth) varies all the time.
‣ Unless instructed to do so, do not change mail settings.
‣ Retype the email address yourself. Remember one mistake or extra space can cause an error.
‣ Use the Apple Mail app on your computer rather than Web-Mail.
Dictation: Use Your Words!
From Dennis Loggins
The following link will connect you the Cult of Mac Website and the article "How to get 'Hey Siri' Type Dictation on your Mac."
Here is s link to the Grammarly site where you can download It.
It is such an inconvience to close everything down and restart your computer.
However, it is one of the best ways to fix minor problems. Before calling the repair person try restarting and see if the problem is corrested.
This works for all devices.
Creating a Strong Password
What makes a strong password
A strong password is one that is unique to you. One that wouldn’t be easy for anyone else to guess. More importantly it isn’t easy for hackers to crack. This requires a combination of lowercase and uppercase characters, symbols and numbers.
It is suggested that your password be at least eight characters long, contain a combination of letters, numbers and symbols; a mixture of upper and lowercase letters and be associated with your name or username.
If you really want to set the bar high, try not to include any complete words in your passwords.
Also remember to change your passwords about twice a year or at the first sign of any unusual behavior within any of your accounts.
If your email account was hacked it would most likely be wise to do a total password overhaul on all platforms.
Being able to do everything online is so convenient. But along with the luxury comes responsibility and risk. Take responsibility to protect yourself and create passwords that are strong. There are tools available to help you test the strength of your passwords(Click below).
Tips For Avoiding Having Your
Password Hacked
1. Don’t login using your password on a public wifi….even at Starbucks.
These networks are in place for our convenience but are not secure. Using any site that requires you to type in a password while connected to an unsecure network puts you at risk. You might be thinking that you don’t really care if your twitter account gets hacked, but your twitter password may provide clues to other passwords you have protecting more serious accounts such as banking. Which leads perfectly to the next tip...
2. Do not repeat the same password across multiple sites.
I understand it is hard to juggle multiple passwords and as tempting as it is to just stick with one password for all sites it just isn’t smart. Also do not think a password is different just because you juggle some numbers around, add a character or change what letter is uppercase. aBC132 is the same as abC123.
3. Avoid using names in your passwords or any information that can be found on your social sites.
It might be tempting to you use your spouse's name with your wedding date as your password but this information is easy for anyone to guess viewing your social media profile. Same goes for pets, kids etc. Avoid using any information that can be found online attached to your identity.
4. Try not to create any record of your passwords.
After learning that you need to have multiple and different passwords, it might be hard to fathom how to remember which password is tied to which account without some sort of record. If you can’t commit this information to memory (I have trouble with this) and need to have some sort of record than physically write it down, I suggest in a notebook, and keep it in a safe place. Never make a digital copy of your passwords. Even an Excel Spreadsheet saved on your hard drive, and not to a cloud database, is a risk. Also, if you choose to write down your passwords try to create some sort of shorthand that would be hard for anyone other than yourself to understand.
5. Be careful who you share your passwords with.
In most cases share your passwords with no one, but if you for any reason you need to share your passwords with a spouse or financial advisor make sure you ask how they plan on storing the password. It is your right to request your password not to be saved in any sort of database. Ask as many questions as you need to feel safe before ever sharing your password. Again, your password is safest when you keep it to yourself. If you ever have to divulge your password to a sales associate or customer service rep. change your password after they are done working within your account.
Prevent Your Mac From Heating Up
Apple specifies ambient operating temperatures for most Macs as between 50°F and 95°F (10°C and 35°C), this means that anything above 95°F (35°C) goes beyond the conditions the Mac was specified to function within. Does that mean you can’t use your computer in intense heat? Most likely not, it just means you have to find ways to help keep it cool. With that in mind, here are some tips to keep a portable Mac cool when faced with blazing temperatures.
• Avoid using a Mac on a bed or fabric surface. Anything soft doesn’t allow for sufficient heat dispersion and can even block the air ventilation on many portable Macs, try to always use a Mac on a hard surface of wood, metal, or glass.
• Use a laptop stand. On hot summer days a laptop stand can mean the difference between having the fans blasting or not having them on at all. Anything that raises a Mac away from a base surface allows for heat to radiate out and for air to flow around it, cooling the hardware. Some laptop stands have built-in fans that blow directly onto the underside of a computer, these can be very effective.
• Raise the rear of a MacBook. No laptop stand? Make do with what you have, and try placing the rear of the Mac elevated by a hardcover book or something similar. It’s not as effective as a laptop stand, but this promotes airflow and can make a significant difference in keeping hardware cool.
• Place a Mac at the edge of a table or desk. No stand and no book to raise the computer with? Try hovering the rear end of a MacBook over the edge of a desk or surface to increase air flow where Macs blow out their heat.
• Use a fan. Yes, a standard room fan. This may sound silly but if you’re in an environment without air conditioning, pointing a fan onto a Mac will blow cool air onto it and help disperse heat. If you’re using a Mac in temperatures over 90°F (32°C), this is one of the best things you can do to not only keep yourself cool but also your computer.
• Keep away from the sun. Again this may seem like common sense, but using a computer in direct sunlight places an unnecessary burden on the fans. Even on reasonably mild sunny days the sun can cause fans to go into overdrive, it’s best to avoid direct sunlight completely.
Finally, a quick word of advice: if you’re in extreme heat and you don’t have any method to cool down your Mac, do yourself a favor and don’t use it at all until you get out of the crazy weather. Heat is one of the most detrimental forces to anything electronic and overheating can lead directly to reduced lifespan of hardware, diminished battery capacity, and other problems. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Safari Adware/Ransom Malware
How to remove
If a text box pops up when your using Safari do not respond to anything it says or offers. Instead follow the following advice from our members.
From Bill Yanko & Denise Ronalter
I personally experienced this exploit a couple of times last year, first on my wife's computer, and then some months later on my computer. Like you, the first time it happened I spent a lot of time trying to figure out the problem. My wife's computer was completely locked up. I couldn't even force quite the Safari app. I could force quit the computer, but when I restarted, it just went back to "locked up mode". Since this was affecting my wife's computer, I was able to do some homework on the problem using my computer. I found information that indicated this hack was internet-based, i.e. it was not due to malware installed on our computer. The actual malware appeared to be hacked into a legitimate website, and then if you were using that site with Safari, it could take control of your computer through Safari.
Since it was internet based, the solution was to:
1) Break the internet connection, i.e. simply turn off your router/modem.
2) Once disconnected from the internet, I had full control of the computer again. I could then:
3) Go to Safari history and delete the browsing history.
4) Then I restarted the router/modem and problem was gone.
The second time this happen to me on my computer, I immediately turned off router, restarted computer and deleted Safari history, restarted router and was good to go. Took about 5 minutes. It's irritating, but not that serious if handled correctly. The important point that we emphasized at the club meetings, and you reiterated, is that one should never click on any of the "options" offered on the screen if you experience one of these "lock-ups".